The creation of MOONWALK® automated paint mixing has marked an historic moment in the refinish industry, revolutionizing how collision repair centers operate, generating value from the color mixing operations as no other system has done before.
Below, we would like to share with you how our customers across Europe are currently enjoying the benefits that MoonWalk brings to their business!
“MoonWalk has helped my profits in material increase by 15% and production by 30% in the first three months I have had the machines. I fully believe that using the MoonWalk can ensure we maintain profitability and increase our ability to turn out an even better product.
This isn’t a mixing machine. It’s a precision metering and measuring system. You have the opportunity to be more precise than you’ve ever been. Use that to make more money in the mix room and the office.”
Aaron Parker, General Manager, Advanced Collision, Inc.

“ … Hard to believe one piece of equipment can have such a dramatic impact on throughput and profitability.
Producing a better product is key, but offering the industry’s latest and greatest to our valued employees is why we use PPG’s MoonWalk.”
Chris Novello, Manager, Town & Country Auto Body

“There’s going to be a serious paint savings. Each one of those drops costs money and, with the MoonWalk system, one of the most obvious differences is that it mixes to the hundredth—not to the tenth—so it’s much more accurate with the color match. And when the painter has full confidence knowing that the color is going to match the first time, there’s no need to mix extra paint that you might need to tint.”
Frank McClosky, Owner, Frank’s Collision Center


“I was struck by the precision of the weighing of MoonWalk, 10 times more precise than any other machine: it guarantees a better colour mixing, especially for those formulas that require small additions of a specific colour in relation to the total volume.
Furthermore, MoonWalk cuts down the waste generated by human error, because the operator can now set the exact amount of paint needed and produce it again at a later time, with the guarantee of obtaining the same aesthetic result. While in the past there was the habit of preparing plenty of it for any eventuality. "
Carlo Destro, Owner, Carrozzeria Destro

"MoonWalk levels the quality of the formulation upwards, eliminating the differences due to the different skills of the operators and always ensuring an optimal result on each car, regardless of the operator who takes care of it.
In addition, MoonWalk doses the weighing of the various components with extreme precision, eliminates human error and waste: not a single drop of product remains in the bottle, with significant economic and environmental benefits ".
Finally, MoonWalk works in a sealed environment and returns to the operator a can of pre-mixed paint, ready for use, without spraying splashes in the tinting room: an advantage that translates into a saving of cleaning times".
Luca Fellin, Owner, Carrozzeria Fellin

"MoonWalk is a machine that allows us a greater flexibility and precision. The system allows us to prepare even small quantities of paint, avoiding waste, and when necessary, to mix further quantities while maintaining the same colorimetric precision and with a practically insignificant margin of error.
MoonWalk has also permitted to reduce warehouse stocks but at the same time avoid running out of bases, as it checks stock levels and automatically processes orders. This represents a great advantage and eliminates human errors that could slow down the work.
With MoonWalk there is no turning back! We are in a period of strong change and we need to make the bodywork more and more performing. Innovation helps making processes more leaner and faster. There is no turning back, you have always to look forward ... "
Cristian Marchetti, Owner, Carrozzeria Nuova Milano
United Kingdom
“Before MoonWalk, like most repair centres our Paint technicians would mix their own paint. Since MoonWalk has been installed, it has been treated as a separate process and the paint is mixed by our parts department. Due to this change in process we have seen an increase in our paint departments efficiency and a reduction in paint waste due to the MoonWalk systems paint storage and accuracy of mixing. Due to the fact MoonWalk mixes to within 0.01 of a litre, colour accuracy is near 100%.
Overall we are pleased with the impact MoonWalk has had on the business and we are starting to see tangible benefits of the system.”
Andrew Walsh, Founder & CEO, AW group

"MoonWalk is the very latest in semi-automated waterborne paint mixing technology. Yes, the new technology from PPG offers savings in paint usage, which is always welcome. However, MoonWalk offers two greater benefits that we can also put a value on, improved colour accuracy and deskilling the mixing process freeing up painters to paint.
Efficiency is central to a bodyshop’s success and we see MoonWalk as a vital tool in helping bodyshop productivity and more importantly their profitability.”
Robin Sutton, Managing Director, ARM Assist

“We made the decision to invest in MoonWalk to reduce the aspect of human error when it comes to paintwork, which in turn will lead to labour productivity and more efficient working hours. MoonWalk will reduce wastage, meaning we will now have peace of mind knowing we are ensuring that every possible unit of material is being used. This is opposed to the current working conditions where wastage of material is common, costing firms such as ourselves significant amounts per annum.”
Paul Johal, Bodyshop Manager, Warley Car Clinic


“Since we use MoonWalk we have been observing the optimization of pigment consumption. Moreover, employees spend less time on activities related to color preparation. Last but not least, the aspect of order and aesthetic appearance of the mixing room is also significant.
We immediately noticed the benefits of the new technology. In conclusion, I can confirm that MoonWalk really took us into a new era of refinish.”
Tomasz Kowalik, Body Shop Manager, Auto Special VW Group

“It is very beneficial for the owners of services because it will save costs, time, and we will be better than our competitors.”
Hanna Mojsiuk, Member of the board, Mojsiuk sp. z o.o. sp.k., Dealer Mercedes-Benz
“At SARTOPINA PLAZA (Aragón Wagen), we have been looking for a system for a long time that allows us to handle paint as if it were just another replacement. With MoonWalk, we have achieved this, facilitating at the same time both the work of the spare parts staff and that of our painters.
With MoonWalk, we have an automatic paint mixing system that helps us save on the consumption of paint materials and the reuse of excess product. In this way, in addition to improving our repainting processes, we have managed to increase our competitiveness in each repair.”
Jesús Odina, Sales Manager, SARTOPINA PLAZA (Aragón Wagen)


"MoonWalk has made a great difference in our daily work! Since we got the MoonWalk here at Upplands, we have got a lot of free time that we can use for other things than mixing colors. We really love it here!”
Christopher Bülow, Paint Responsible, Upplands Motor AB
“This is something different, it’s not about the price. It’s about the processes, satisfaction, customer management and labour management.”
Aykut Pekdemir, General Manager, Nazer Ford

Saudi Arabia

“This innovation can be one of the perfect solution for the bodyshops to have more money in a shorter period of time.”
Hamza Palliali, General Manager, CEP
“Since we are working with MoonWalk, we are having to mix less paint. We can estimate what we need, and because MoonWalk always mixes the color accurately, it is not so important if we run out, knowing that the color will be the same.”
Marc Hiltscher, General Manager, Hiltscher GmbH

“The time savings are very important. Instead of mixing colors, I can now get on with a number of other jobs, such as checking the preparation, carrying out final release check of a completed job, or measuring and identifying the next color. There are many different smaller jobs that I can complete in the time I was previously mixing, it makes us more efficient.”
Jürgen Krohmann, Workshop Manager, Hiltscher GmbH

“To invest in MoonWalk is economically sensible. The success will become evident after quite a short time. The investment has already payed off. The fact, that the cans are completely empty is a large economical advantage.”
Rüdiger Starke, General Manager, Auto-Schach GmbH & Co. KG

“I never liked manual mixing. Something that had to be done but I never enjoyed it. It got worse when mistakes happened during the mixing process – usually when adding the last color… I am really happy about having MoonWalk!
Dennis Fink, Painter, Auto-Schach GmbH & Co. KG

“One big advantage of MoonWalk is, it’s very simple to use. Our staff are already familiar with the paint software, which makes the handling really easy. And economically, it makes great sense. Mixing mistakes are a thing of the past. MoonWalk only does what it should. Also, the fact, that the cans are completely empty, is not only a great economical but also an environmental advantage.“
Michael Seidel, Operations Manager, Seidel Karosserie GmbH & Co. KG

“I am 100 % convinced by the system, it has made my life at work much easier. For example, if I were to mix a color for a very small part, manually, I would have to mix a larger amount than I need. With MoonWalk, that is not the case. It is much more accurate and can mix very small amounts precisely.”
Torsten Bernstein, Workshop Manager, Seidel Karosserie GmbH & Co. KG

“MoonWalk is very efficient, it frees time for our employees and they can do other tasks while Moonwalk mixes. The whole mixing process is a lot shorter and less manpower is needed than when mixing manually. In our case, the freed-up capacities are used to manage our warehouse by our colour specialist. It gives him an additional hour to, for example, unpack spare parts. Before, he didn’t have time for that. In our case, MoonWalk made this possible.”
Tobias Neu, General Manager, Lackierzentrum im Entenbad

“Our employees did not like the manual mixing process. Another positive outcome is the environmental effect. We don’t produce paint waste anymore. Another advantage is, we generally mix less per job in comparison to manual mixing. When MoonWalk was delivered and set up, the training period was very short for our employees. All we had to do was to explain how it works, there is no big secret, anyone can use it.“
Christian Lehmann, General Manager, Lackierzentrum im Entenbad

“The amount of paint we mix per job has changed, since smaller amounts can be accurately mixed. Time is a very big advantage. While MoonWalk is mixing, I can do other things. I can identify or match the next colour or paint a panel for the next job. MoonWalk is a big time saver.”
Uwe Sinz, Colourist, Lackierzentrum im Entenbad